NEW! IZOLEP-pro for concrete protection

VMP Holding has developed and produced IZOLEP-pro epoxy penetrating primer with a high penetrating power and adhesion enhancers to concrete.
IZOLEP-pro primer is intended to protect concrete and reinforced concrete structures operating in the atmosphere, in contact with liquid media, in areas of full immersion and variable level. Well absorbed, strengthens the surface layer of concrete. It is used as an independent coating for dedusting concrete surfaces or as a primer in coating systems with epoxy, vinyl-epoxy, polyurethane enamels.
IZOLEP-pro + IZOLEP-mastic + POLYTON-UR (UV) system with a total thickness of 180 - 220 microns has passed climatic tests and got the conclusion report of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Information Technologies, that it can be used for painting the outer surfaces of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of transport structures operated in an industrial zone with a macroclimatic region characterized by a cold climate and a temperate cold climate (CC1, TCC1). The projected design life of the VMP coating systems is at least 20 years. IVax group of operating conditions.