Mikhail Vakhrushev, President of VMP Holding, was awarded the Order for Services to the Chemical Industry of Russia

The Russian Chemists Union and Roskhimprofsoyuz awarded Mikhail Vladimirovich Vakhrushev, President of VMP Research & Production Holding with a badge of honor — the Order for Services to the Chemical Industry of Russia of the Second Degree. The reason for the award was many years of hard work and a great contribution to the development of Russian chemical industry and the technological development.
The Order for Services to the Chemical Industry of Russia of the I and II degrees was established by the industry and professional associations of Russian chemical and petrochemical enterprises. The award is given to managers, employees, and labor collectives of enterprises for their longstanding work and outstanding achievements in the chemical industry, such as the launch of new facilities, development of breakthrough innovative technologies, effective management of labor collectives, and public recognition.