NEW! VINICOR EP-5285 decontaminated enamel for the structures at nuclear power facilities

VMP Holding has developed and produced VINICOR EP-5285 enamel based on epoxy resin and polyamide-type hardener. The enamel is intended for special anti-corrosion protection of nuclear power plants structures and radiochemical plants.
VINICOR EP-5285 can be applied on various indoor surfaces (walls, ceilings, floors) and equipment operated in a controlled access area and exposed to decontamination solutions. And also for the protection of metal structures in the aquatic environment and the atmosphere, including containers for nuclear waste storing. The coating is resistant to aggressive liquid media (technological solutions of acids and alkalis).
VINICOR EP-5285 is used: as an independent coating on steel, concrete, aluminum-plated surfaces; for repair painting on previously applied EP-5285 and EP-1155D enamels; as a finishing coat in complex systems with epoxy primers and primer enamels.
VINICOR EP-5285 enamel complies with GOST R 51102 "Polymeric Protective Decontaminated Coatings”, (conclusion reports of NITI n.a. A.P. Aleksandrov, JSC NIKIMT-Atomstroy).